Matthew T Grant


Tall Guy. Glasses.

MarketingProfs B2B Forum in Boston: Let the Games Begin

Ann HandleyAnn Handley has taken the podium and is right now running down the many sponsors of the event. There are quite a few and the emphasis seems to be on marketing automation and related disciplines. That’s just at first blush.

Ann’s main message to the assembled conventioners (or forumites): Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid of talking to strangers. Don’t be afraid of attending a session where you don’t know the speakers. Don’t be afraid to learn, stretch, and grow.

She has also reminded everyone to “follow the back channel” (Twitter hashtag “#mpb2b”). Always a word to the wise.

More later as I try my best to live blog the heck out of this thing.

Category: Careering, Marketing Today


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