Matthew T Grant


Tall Guy. Glasses.

Developing Customer Relationships with Twitter: Another Live Blog Experience from MarketingProfs’ Digital Mixer

Photo 549I’ve tried to write this in a more “real-time” way than in the previous Live Blog experiences so, just like reality, it’s a little scattered, disordered, and lurches violently back and forth between the trivial and profound. – Matt

So I was trying to figure out which session to attend this morning and settled on this Twitter one. The moderator, Leigh Duncan-Durst (apparently “Duncan” is her maiden name) got things started by introducing the other panelists, which I found entirely appropriate, except that the first person she introduced was Ann Handley, who like everyone knows because she like has some job with MarketingProfs or something, and then she moved on to Monique Trulson from Brady People ID, who she first referred to as a “smart cookie” but then added that she was a “dinosaur” cuz she’ been on the Interwebs since the mid-90’s, but that got me thinking about “dinosaur cookies,” which I’m not sure what those might be, and, finally, she introduced John Bernier from Best Buy who recently accepted the DMA’s Marketer of the Year on Best Buy’s behalf (oddly enough, John used the word “behalf” about 10 seconds after I typed that word).

John started things off by describing Best Buy’s various feeds (such as Twelpforce) and the technology he uses to push various kinds of messages through them such as when he was at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a seat-filler and tweeted about seeing Metallica on stage and then added that the purpose of these various Twitter streams was to give people a look behind the curtain at Best Buy.

Monique is talking right now. At her prior company (Hello Direct, if I’m not mistaken) she used Twitter to pass along promotions as well as to address customer service issues she came across by monitoring Twitter using Tweetdeck (which I use as well, fyi) and then when she got to Brady she quickly became involved in establishing new social media usage policies and is heading up efforts to educate upper management on the power and benefits of social media.

Now Ann Handley is talking. I can’t believe that she actually dropped Jeremiah Owyang’s name (“Well, I was talking with Jeremiah….”), though I shouldn’t be surprised because she mentioned just the other night that Guy Kawasaki emails her every now and again. Apparently, when she first got on Twitter, she was “literally screwing around under the radar,” whatever that means. Just so you know, Ann is wearing a charcoal grey suit with a royal blue blouse – very regal. She uses Twitter as a listening device, as a promotional tool, and as an editor interested in finding out what people are talking about.

In response to a question about “pushing” message through Twitter, John explained that around 95% of the Twelpforce feed consists of @-replies because the focus there is responding to questions. Monique also mentioned that she has used Twitter for “push,” but that she prefers to provide followers with valuable information or answers and when she does pass along information it is usually in the form of a link that people are free to click on or not.

Ann raised hackles by saying that she didn’t like the word “push,” which Leigh explained that she used in order to be “irritating.” Instead, Ann prefers to think of the her Twitter activity as “sharing” or “recommending.” Who is she kidding, really?

John told a story of a consumer in Korea interacting with the Twelpforce stream (he was having trouble charging his cellphone or something like that) and used this experience to remind us that the online community is “location agnostic” and ideally gives you an opportunity to participate in the “hive mind.”

Ann told a story of complaining about Comcast on Twitter and then got such an overwhelming response on the Comcast Cares front that she started to think, “Comcast cares TOO MUCH!”

While talking about Hello Direct’s social media effort, Monique sagely opined, “If you don’t have a specific goal, how do you know if you achieved it.”

On the goal front, John too mentioned Jeremiah Owyang (who is that, anyway?), but then went on to talk about Best Buy’s high-level goal to provide customers with “Dream Support” but on a more immediate level to be relevant to people. “Be relevant” is how Best Buy hopes to answer the question, “Why would anyone want to be a fan of Best Buy on Facebook or follow them on Twitter?” To that end, he said that Best Buy is trying to empower employees to use Twitter across the organization because, frankly, things happening locally are going to be more relevant to folks than things happening at the national brand level.

When asked about Best Buy’s policies governing social media engagement on the part of employees, John said something very smart, methinks, which I shall liberally render here, “You have to trust your employees. Someone thought highly enough of that person to hire them. If they go online and say inappropriate or stupid things, that’s not a problem with the medium or the program, it’s a problem with hiring practices and HR. Frankly, the goal is to help people feel comfortable using these tools and if you become too draconian or micro-managing with your guidelines, you run the risk of scaring people off.”

In terms of encouraging employees to participate, Monique pointed out that she needs help doing this stuff so she needs to evangelize within her organization because, at the end of the day, she needs help. In other words, whatever policies you come up with need to have the result of getting more people involved, not discouraging them therefrom.

Of course, when people become active and even become a large part of your Twitter (or other online) presence, there is the risk that, when they leave, they may leave a “hole” in your presence that needs to be filled which means that you may need to think about succession planning both nationally and locally.

Again, if you begin micromanaging the feed and asking people to filter the personal out of the professional, then you will drive people away from the medium. At the end of the day, Twitter can help put a human face on a giant corporation and that human face requires personal details. As Monique says, “There IS a human factor here” and tells senior management, “Don’t be scared of this.” She also said (echoing Dave Thomas from yesterday), when setting up a program, bringing in the people (legal, MarCom, HR, etc.) who are most likely to kick and scream about your efforts and work with them to allay their fears.

Whatever policies you come up with, Heidi Ob’Bayi added, you need to treat as a living document that will be revisited on a regular basis and amended as needed. John said that’s exactly how Best Buy handles it while highlighting that you need to maintain a sense of “True North” (“We just want to be relevant”) as you help provide people with guidelines and hand-rails that will keep people on track.

I was trying to get a picture together for this post and so was only paying distracted attention to the conversation and only tuned back in when Ann said, “I listen to people who are bitching more than anyone else.” I think what she was saying is that when people are critical of you online or are complaining about your service you need to pay close attention because there are offering you an opportunity to learn about yourself and how you and your organization can get better (John echoed this sentiment with a humorous anecdote about responding to a critic who had suggested that Best Buy do something that was both vulgar and physically impossible.)

Good, interesting, informed session.

Using Facebook for Brand Recognition: A Live Blogging Experience from MarketingProfs’ Digital Mixer

Photo 546I’m at the Facebook sesh featuring “the Pied Piper of Social Media,” Mari Smith. If you’d like to see her presentation, you can find it here at

Mari started with some facts and stats about Facebook and the real eye-opener for me was that Fan Pages are the only feature within Facebook fully indexed by Google. I did not know that.

So far, the presentation has been very nuts-and-bolts about various apps that people can use to manage their social media presence, connect the various properties that they are cultivating, and, of  course, optimize Facebook. The main takeaway for this section was: be strategic and take full advantage of the technology.

Mari then asked Amy Porterfield to talk about some of the things that she has done to help her clients, such as T. Harv Eker and the Alan Shafran Group, build out their Facebook presence and, most importantly, engage fans through contests, event promotion, and emerging Facebook apps.

Mari is very knowledgeable about the Facebook universe and offered a treasure trove of highly technical suggestions about how people could effectively make the most of this medium.

However, I was somewhat unsettled by the undercurrent of themes from the life coaching, “secrets of wealth,” internet marketing scene, such as when Mari said, towards the outset, that the goal of social media strategy is to create “profitable relationships.”

Is it ok if I focus on building meaningful relationships and leave profitability to the fat cats on Wall Street?

How to Reap Benefit for Your Company from Social Media, A Live Blog Report from MarketingProfs Digital Mixer

socialmediapolHere’s my attempt to truly “live blog” a Digital Mixer session. In this case, the participants were Aneta Hall from Pitney Bowes, David B. Thomas from SAS, Heidi Ob’bayi from PEMCO Insurance, and the session was moderated by Sean McDonald, Ant’s Eye View.

I’ve tried to capture the discussion as it unfolded but, I must admit, it got away from me at times. The key takeaway I got was this: Because employees are already doing this, and because they are often your best brand ambassadors, you should allow and encourage them to participate in social media BUT make sure that you provide them with guidelines, training, and ongoing feedback. As Aneta said, getting your organization involved in social media and creating policies around this involvement will have a lasting, long-term impact and it will pay to go about this in the right way: with a strategy, an organizational structure, and executive sponsorhip

First idea was that putting a social media policy in place is the first hurdle to overcome when preparing your company to reap the aforementioned benefits. For his part at SAS, Dave started by getting a bunch of people (HR, R&D, marketing, etc.) in a room to discuss the types of policies they wanted to formulate and how they were going to do that. When this group, called the Marketing 2.0 Council, reached decisions it lent an authority to the policies they ultimately devised (the fact that the group consisted of senior managers and stakeholders was the source of this authority). He also said that it was very useful to seek out people with specific objections, talk to them, and see how these objections can be resolved.

During the process of creating policy, Aneta Hall pointed out that you cannot shy away from talking to the C-level executives in order to gauge their appetite for social media, how far they are willing to go, and who among them may be willing to support or sponsor your efforts to create social media policies and strategy. Your role is to help them as a strategist, so you’ve got to do that. She also strongly recommended that you get the leaders of your international business involved or else you will spend a lot of time addressing the legitimate issues and concerns they will inevitably raise.

“Not having a policy IS having a policy,” added Heidi, emphasizing that employees are already active in social media and the organization needs to catch up. With “We lead with trust” as their brand motto, she said, they really needed to lead by example.

Of course, policy is one thing, governance and making sure that your organization is agile enough to respond and engage with social media is quite another. The organizational model adopted by Pitney Bowes, for example, was that of “hub and spoke,” where the “spokes” are employees certified to participate in social media on the company’s behalf and the “hub” is that group responsible for monitoring, capturing, and demonstrating value of the overall effort. Aneta called it, in part, “picking out the social media jewels” which show what is working.

She added that the epiphany comes when you realize that it is not sustainable to try and limit social media participation to a handful of people, hence the importance of training. As far as allowing or even encouraging employees to get involved with social media, as opposed to limiting their ability to do so, Dave pointed out that it’s much easier to find people who are enthusiastic and already ready to talk about your company and train them, then it is to identify “thought leaders” and convincing them to blog or participate when they aren’t necessarily into it.

People had a lot of questions about coming up with policies for industries that are heavily regulated, on the one hand, and for industries where you have a number of employees who may not be particularly media savvy or even loyal to the company. These questions seemed to boil down to, “How do you create guidelines that prevent people from breaking the law or doing stupid things?”

The answer seemed to be, “Keep it simple, even painfully so.” It can be as simple as saying, “Don’t be stupid,” or “Don’t do anything in social media you wouldn’t do at work,” and reminding them, “If you do something inappropriate or illegal in social media, you could get fired.”

“Campaigns, Not Events” – Effective Webinaring (Live Report from MarketingProfs Digital Mixer)

3251824818_37d3bd7010_mMy first session at the Mixer featured Todd Davison of Bulldog Solutions, Michael Hickey from Hoovers, and Jen Moeller of Humana. The main message of this session can be summed up in the soon-to-be-immortal [corrected: good catch, Paul!] words of Michael Hickey, “Think: Campaigns, not events.”

As the session moderator, Todd Davison kicked things off by emphasizing that webinars offer a continual opportunity to engage with potential customers and, more importantly, to gather data so that you can more effectively segment, target, and score the leads that your efforts generate.

Broadly speaking, this approach will allow you to use your webinar campaigns to create richly detailed customer personas. More tactically, and depending on whether or not you have the requisite technology in place, this approach should also provide you with behavioral data on specific prospects giving you an effective method for filtering the leads generated so that you are only handing the most qualified to your sales folk.

There were a number of very specific recommendations made by the panelists – such as Jen Moeller’s suggestion that you use video on your invitation landing page to supplement or further explain the benefit of the session; Michael’s suggestion that you explore your technical options and consider incorporating a live Twitter feed into the webinar itself so that participants can follow the ongoing commentary of others; or Todd’s suggestion that, when deciding on webinar themes, you seek out topics which are  interesting to your audience while remaining particularly relevant to your offerings or services – but I keep coming back to main point:

Webinars are most effective when managed as campaigns containing multiple touch-points (invitation email, invitation landing page, follow-up reminders prior to the event, post-event reminder, post-event landing page containing recorded event plus supplementary material and calls to action, etc.) and when they are integrated into your overall marketing mix, meaning that you are promoting them through your blogs, email newsletters, websites, and, most importantly, the actions of your sales team.

Image Courtesy of jon_a_ross.

MarketingProfs Digital Mixer, Here I Come!

MP_DMM_BloggerBadgeI’m off to MarketingProfs’ Digital Mixer in Chicago this morning and I’m practically giddy.

Look, I’m a people person and if there is one thing that conferences like this have, it’s people. The bonus is that in this case, I’ve actually met some of them before and am very much looking forward to reconnecting with Paul Chaney, Amber Naslund, Beth Harte, Jason Baer, Mack Collier, as well as all the great folks from MarketingProfs proper.

The super-bonus is that there’s gonna be folks there whom I haven’t yet met but, having met them, will find my life utterly transformed and the world full of bright, ever-expanding horizons. Or at least I’ll get their business card.

I must admit, however, that, aside from meeting people, “deepening relationships,” and “participating in the conversation,” I have another goal in attending the MarketingProfs Digital Mixer: atonement.

You see, at a MarketingProfs event last June, I moderated a panel on content strategy. At the beginning of the session, I asked people to put away their laptops and refrain from Tweeting unless prior to doing so they could honestly and earnestly say to themselves, “The world must know!” It was not surprising that, for doing so, I was called, by Greg Verdino among other people, a “douche.”

I don’t know if the mustache I’m growing will really help me live down my reputation as “douchey,” but, heck, I’m gonna do my darnedest to make up for this egregious social media faux pas and show everybody that I’ve drunk the Kool Aid, that I’ve gotten with the program, and that I can play well with others.

And much like my conscious decision to grow a mustache, in spite of its many perils, that last sentence was written in the complete absence of any inner sense of irony or sarcasm. See ya there!

With Google Sidewiki, Who needs AdWords?

At the Community Roundtable lunch with the King and Queen Arthurs thereof, Jim Storer and Rachel Happe, and we were talking about Google Sidewiki and Jim asks, “I wonder if you can add Sidewiki comments to a search results page?”

Well, Jim, it looks like you can!

So, here’s the rub. Why would anyone buy AdWords henceforth (or, rather, once Sidewiki is more widely adopted)?

Or is this all part of Google’s fiendish plan?

Going to Chicago: Marketing Profs Digital Marketing Mixer, October 21-22

MP_DMM_BloggerBadgeAre you planning on going to MarektingProfs Digital Marketing Mixer to be held in Chicago on October 21 and 22?

I know that’s just around the corner, but it’s not too late to register (and, just between you and me, get a $200 discount off full conference registration if you use the following secret code: DMBLG). It’s also not too late to get a cheap-ish flight (under $200 round-trip through Orbitz if you aren’t too picky about departure times and lay-overs).

Of course, saving money is never a good reason to do anything, so here’s my [full disclosure] sponsored* plug for the mixer.

I’ve attended two of these events here in Boston, once as a panel moderator and once through my affiliation with a corporate sponsor. In both cases, I found the experience personally and professionally rewarding.

First of all, I got to meet a lot of cool people with cool ideas doing cool stuff by leveraging emergent technology and finding new and novel uses for marketing technology that’s been around for a while.

Second of all, I got to know more folks from the MarketingProfs community, all of whom have very high standards for the quality and applicability of the information generated by said community and many of whom were quite candid about the presentations and conversations that met those standards and those that fell short.

Finally of all, I was able to make a number of business contacts which opened up a number of interesting opportunities and have led to actual business! Ironically, I didn’t attend these events with business development as an express goal, but that was one of the tangible results.

In summation, cool people, cool ideas, and cool opportunities await you at the MarketingProfs Digital Marketing Mixer in Chi-town. And, as if that weren’t enough, I will be awaiting you there as well. Join us!

*Full Disclosure: Since I don’t want myself or my friends at MarketingProfs to run afoul of the FTC’s new guidelines on blogger endorsement, let me clearly state that, in exchange for this plug as well as additional posts on or about the event itself, I will receive a pass to the conference and, if any of y’all actually register as a result of my efforts, I will also receive some ducats.

Do You Have a Sidewiki Strategy?

You might want one ‘cuz I just posted the first comment on your homepage!


If you don’t know what the Google Sidewiki feature is all about, you can get the low-down straight from the horse’s mouth, or read what Beth Harte and Mack Collier have to say about it in this review on MarketingProfs Daily Fix.

To my febrile mind, Sidewiki highlights what has always been true about the web: control of your site and its content is as illusory as the Buddhist’s conception of being. In other words, this control is contingent, transient, and, given this intensely provisional quality, the root cause of suffering.

Of course, Google is upping the ante by creating a parallel quasi-parasitic universe in which all commentary, critique, and praise of a web page is aggregated as a communally-generated contextual supplement to it.

Aside from reminding everyone that the browser is only by choice but not by nature a neutral, indifferent frame coolly serving up whatever the web has to offer sans editorial intervention or additives, the introduction of the Sidewiki creates one of those increasingly rare web moments when you can be in on the ground floor.

You’d be surprised, or perhaps not, to discover how many sites are virginal, from a Sidewiki perspective, patiently awaiting the first comments on specific elements thereof  – highlight a portion of a page and comment specifically on that –  or their pristine entirety.

So where are you going to start?

You Can’t Miss What You Can’t Measure

1577697374_e9a0f7f9dc_mAs usual, I’ve been thinking about ontology a lot lately (I mean, who hasn’t?) and specifically what distinguishes some-thing from no-thing.

While I strongly lean to the nihilist perspective, which leads me to believe that nothing, after all, exists, I’m really a physicist in the sense that I define “thing-ness” in terms of the physical. For something to be, it must physically be in the universe and we know something to be physically there when we can measure it.

Nevertheless, I’m at times ill at ease with this notion – Can it really be true that the immeasurable does not exist? Can love be measured? The soul? God? – and was reminded of my malaise by this micro-post from Todd Defren which pointed the latter’s followers to some words from Seth Godin on the “coming era of hyper-measurement.”

Among the Godin One’s words, which took as their leaping-off point news that the Washington Post may have laid off a columnist for lagging blog traffic, I found these, “…in a digital world where everything can be measured…,” and then I wept.

Well, “wept” is a strong word, but I did “think” (which often leads to weeping with me as it did my patron pre-Socratic saint) and my thoughts issued into this question: Can “everything” truly be measured in this or any digital world?

Certainly, one can measure many things, including blog traffic, and such traffic may be important if your business model ties ad revenue to number of views or even click-throughs, but can you measure something like the meaning of a writer’s words or the traces they leave in the thoughts and feelings of a given reader? Can you measure the quality of writing? It’s originality? It’s humor?

And if you can’t measure those things in any meaningful way, does it mean that they do not exist and don’t, in a very literal sense, matter?

Image Courtesy of hoyasmeg.

A Brief History of #onewordwednesday


About three months ago, I wanted to see if I could launch a trending hashtag and the hashtag I hit on was #onewordwednesday. My first tweet containing that hashtag read, “meme #onewordwednesday.”

I quickly discovered that I was not the first person to use this expression. That honor goes @markdudlik, who was about a month ahead of me. By the way, he’s a scientist. Of awesome.

The basic rule for #onewordwednesday is: Post at least one tweet containing a single word of your choosing along with the hashtag, #onewordwednesday. I guess I could have gotten more complicated by insisting that all your tweets for the duration of #onewordwednesday be one word in length, or that you should only tweet one word for the entire day, but I wanted to keep it simple, for good or ill.

So far, about 38 individuals have contributed to the #onewordwednesday effort with @cristinagordet, @motoole1, and @rsheffield deserving special recognition for their unflagging and enthusiastic support of this quixotic endeavor. I would also like to point out that #onewordwednesday would have been strangled in the cradle had @devinusmaximus not reached out and inspired me to keep hope alive in the early days of our movement. Devin, you are the wind beneath my wings.

The future is unwritten, as the Clash used to say, and I do not know whither #onewordwednesday is bound. I like that a kind of game is developing in which people retweet a #onewordwednesday word and add a related word. That sort of thing can only go so far given Twitter’s character limit, but it emerged spontaneously, which I find promising. Who knows what the day after tomorrow might bring?

The other idea I had was to choose a word, like “focus,” and see how many people we can get to tweet, “Focus #onewordwednesday.” In addition, we could retweet any random tweet containing the word “focus,” adding the hallowed hashtag as well. Are you game? Let’s do this.